Nought to Five is a not-for-profit, community based centre that provides high quality education and care for children. We celebrate the diverse and multicultural nature of our community, and acknowledge the Wallumedegal clan on whose land we play and learn. We are committed to embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into our program.
Our program provides all children with an opportunity to learn and develop, following a play-based approach, in line with the approved Early Years Learning Framework. This document guides our programming and curriculum decisions, along with the National Quality Standard. We believe children learn through play, and educators create a supportive and inspirational environment that ensures each child feels a sense of belonging; recognising their individuality, strengths, background, diversity, needs and interests.
We are committed to providing a child safe environment through our policies, practices and routines, which are guided by the Child Safe Standards, National Law and National Regulations. The rights and best interests of the child underpin all practice. Their safety, health and wellbeing are paramount. Each is respected without discrimination or bias, and has a voice in matters that affect them. We believe in the importance of developing children’s sense of agency, setting children up for life, including their transition to school and instilling a life long love of learning.
We believe childhood should be filled with fun and delight, providing space where children can explore, imagine, experiment, and take risks. We encourage children to engage in our safe and natural outdoor environment, learning about respect, sustainability and developing a connectedness with nature. Our environments support all children, providing a space that values equity and inclusion. The children believe that we have great toys like the ‘swings, lego, painting and puzzles’, and they love to play with their friends and educators.
Our staff team reflects a diversity of education, training and life experience, as well as a range of multicultural backgrounds and languages. We ensure we employ staff who possess a passion for working in early childhood, are active listeners and role models. Our families love our commitment to providing staffing ratios that exceed government regulations, to ensure personalised interactions with them and their children.
We believe that children are capable individuals and interactions with children are respectful, nurturing, warm, and acknowledge the rights of each child. Children are supported as they develop at their own pace, bringing their diverse experiences, home languages, perspectives, expectations, and cultural ways of knowing, being and doing to their learning. We are passionate about guiding children in their emotions, acknowledging that all feelings are valid and supporting children as they learn to self-regulate. We believe children should be viewed as active participants and decision makers, and we provide opportunities for children to be involved in our reflective practices. They feel safe and secure when educators listen to them and comfort them.
We recognise that partnerships with families provide us with invaluable information that is central to ensuring continuity and progression of learning for children. We value collaboration and encourage all families to support our program however they can, and include them in decision making. We are proud of our reputation in the community, and families value our staff longevity, supportive and friendly educators, and inclusive environments where children come first. Word of mouth continues to be our main source of enrolments.
Our Management Committee is made up of current parents, ensuring that the best interests of the children and staff are always the top priority. Management recognises that each staff member has knowledge and experience to share, and are committed to providing an environment where staff are supported and can work together, creating a positive workplace culture. Staff are given opportunities to engage in professional development, critical reflection and continual improvement, guided by the National Quality Framework.