Offer of Placement
Minimum enrolment is two days per week, as we believe children who only attend one day a week find it hard to settle in, socialise with peers, and get to know the educators who teach them. All three and two day attendances must include either a Monday or a Friday (exceptions may in rare cases be available based on current attendance patterns).
Our initial offer of placement will be by telephone. If you accept the placement, this will be confirmed to you in writing via email. Within five (5) working days of receiving our letter you will be required to provide us with a copy of your child's birth certificate and pay a full two (2) weeks Security Deposit to secure your child's place with us.
Under the Public Health Act 2010, parents must provide a current copy of their child's Immunisation History Statement, prior to commencement. This can be accessed using your Medicare online account through MyGov or using the Medicare App. Overseas immunisation records will not be accepted - they need to be assessed by an Australian immunisation provider who can transfer the information to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
The first week's fees are payable in advance the week prior to your child commencing with us. Thereafter, fees are due one week in advance, payable on Fridays.
If we do not receive your acceptance and deposit by the due date, we will assume you are no longer interested in enrolling your child, and our offer of placement will be withdrawn and the vacancy offered to the next person on our waiting list.
After accepting a placement and the two (2) week Security deposit has been paid, should you choose not to commence, the following will apply:
- Less than or equal to four (4) weeks notice prior to commencement (not including the Christmas closure period), you will forfeit your entire deposit.
- Greater than four (4) weeks notice prior to commencement (not including the Christmas closure period), you will forfeit half of your deposit.
At Nought to Five we have an orientation process that all new families participate in prior to commencement. The aim of the orientation is to ensure a smooth and successful transition from home to the centre.
We will arrange two (2) visits to our centre, at mutually convenient times, during the week prior to your child's commencement date. These visits are two (2) hours in duration, and allow you and your child to spend some time with us, experiencing the activities and daily routines they will be involved in.
This orientation is an opportunity to begin developing a trusting relationship with educators, sharing important information about your child on a one-on-one basis, and becoming familiar with the routines, program and learning environments. During these visits, educators will gather information specific to your child and family, including cultural identity, family and home life, routines and practices followed at home, as well as the hopes and dreams you have for your child's education and development during their time at Nought to Five.
You will also meet with our office administrator to finalise your child's enrolment. This includes signing a Complying Written Arrangement and talking about the administrative aspects of having a child at Nought to Five (e.g. payment of fees, keeping immunisation records current, our ways of communicating with families).