Our program is reflective of the centre philosophy, incorporating the Early Years Learning Framework, and we encourage our families' input to help guide our curriculum decision making. Through this, we enrich our understanding of the children, while developing relationships and connections with our whole community at Nought to Five.
Throughout the program we make use of play, which is recognised as the natural method of learning for young children. Play is integral to all areas of a child's development as it enables them to share thoughts and ideas with other children and adults; co-operate with others; explore, experiment and create within their environment; problem solve; and learn from others whilst developing own skills and gaining independence.
A balance of educator-supported, freely chosen play, and educator-led small and large group activities create a rich learning environment for every child. Children's spontaneous play is documented and extended upon to ensure that the children are continually learning, consolidating their knowledge, and challenging themselves to learn new things.
A continuous cycle of planning and evaluating children's experiences and developmental progress forms the basis of our programming strategy. Parent / Teacher Interviews are planned twice a year and are an opportunity to discuss your child's growth and progress and, in partnership, plan ahead for the next six months.
Throughout the year we plan for visits by entertainers, excursions to nearby facilities (such as the local nursery and library), and meaningful and diverse experiences to extend children's learning. These visits are an important part of our program as they allow children to be part of our larger community and to discover the world first hand.